Several studies have indicated that there is a positive effect and benefit to eating flax seeds regularly against cholesterol levels. Flax seeds and cholesterol cannot go together because the first one lowers if not cancels the other. A good amount of flax seeds consumed by an individual can help reduce triglycerides (fats) and LDL cholesterols (bad cholesterol), which helps in eliminating problems relating to cardiovascular diseases.
Flax seeds carry abundant alpha-linolenic acids, essential omega-3 and dietary fibers. These are substances which the body does not produce on its own, and are therefore better obtained from other resources though proper diet. These nutrients are essential to helping the body reduce the risk of developing heart diseases and other threatening illnesses like cancer or lupus. The best thing is that flax send can also promote a healthy body weight.
As the body needs fats for tissue repair and development, more often than not, people are exposed to the saturated type of fat which is mostly ingested from the food people eat. And as countless of research and information campaigns have indicated, saturated fat, over time, increases all kinds of health risks. Flax seed poses an alternative to this since its seeds contain healthy fat components which are polyunsaturated. Additionally, flax seeds are easily and inexpensively obtainable. You can purchase these from any grocery store or health food store.
Benefits of Flax seed
First of all, people have been consuming flax for many centuries. Those living in the ancient period were the first to discover its health benefits and the fact that it can bring relief and treatment to certain discomforts or ailments. Further, when used for medication, flax poses no threat or side effects, which makes it all the more beneficial.
Its high alpha-linolenic acid and fiber content has made flax seed some sort of a wonder food because scientific research has proven that it can:
- Reduce LDL Cholesterol level
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower the amount of triglyceride
- Makes blood platelets less sticky and more solvent
- Aid in cancer treatment because it has anti-oxidant properties
- Helps in the regulation of bowel movements
- Helps in relieving discomfort caused by constipation
Flax seed is not just linked to obtaining good cholesterol. It is linked to good health in general.
Many food product makers now recognize the benefits of flax seeds, such that it has become the special ingredient of products now sold in the market today. From breads to cookies and other breakfast treats or dessert fare, flax seeds are added to not only provide flavor but also to give the food its added nutritional value.
At the comforts of your own home, you may make use of flax seed in your own food preparations. Flax seeds are easily grounded using food processors or blender, and you can just add these to your cereals, salads or pancakes. Flax seeds carry a very mild nutty taste, which makes food even more flavorful. Add at least one tablespoon of grounded flax seeds in the juice or milk you drink daily, so you get your regular dose.
Eating the proper food as well as increasing physical activities combined with your daily flax intake is an effective way to combat a high LDL level.
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