30 July 2011

Build The Family Economic Strength With Dinar, But No Hoarding…!

Written by Muhaimin Iqbal (Thanks Alot)   
Sunday, 11 January 2009 06:25
Looking at this title maybe you are confused, how can we use Dinar or even reserve it but not hoarding? How? What is the limitation? Etc.

Regarding our responsibility to our property, I’ve written it in other article with the topic: “Our Property, Asset or Liability (in the hereafter)”. The point is it is our duty to fulfill the need for ourselves, family, anticipate emergency needs and leave strong children”.

Even Al Quran teaches us how to anticipate an emergency needs in Yusuf 47-48: “He (Yusuf) replied: ‘You will cultivate for seven consecutive years. During these years, you should leave the wheat you reap in the ear, except what may be sufficient for your food. Then, after that period, there will come upon you seven hard years which will eat away all that you had stored except a little which you may have specifically set aside”.

This verse is the basic and also method (minhaj) for Moslems to prepare themselves to face the difficult periods. What is the difficult period for the people in this era? Generally, difficult periods in this era such as monetary crisis that peaked in 1997-1998, a period of many dry seasons, earthquakes, floods - all are triggers of difficult periods for the people.

Individually, difficult periods can mean loosing job/income, pension, sickness, loosing the head of the family, etc.

Then how to anticipate those periods? Store some of your income in the “stem”. The meaning of leave the wheat you reap in the ear, is in order not to be rotten quickly or reduced in quality and value, so it can be a seed to plant again anytime.
The major property and income for people nowadays is not corn, it is money. Then how to preserve the money in order for the value not to be rotten from time to time? The answer is very simple – that is why money in Islam should have a real value (intrinsic value) such as gold, silver, wheat, dates etc.

From those commodities, of course gold in the form of Dinar is the most practical to store. Gold bar is also practical but not too liquid and do not have the flexibility to sum up and divide. For instant you have 100grams gold bar, and you need 10 grams, so it’s difficult to break it into that amount. If Dinar, you have 100 Dinar and you need only 10 Dinar, so just release the 10 Dinar and leave the 90 Dinar with you.

Storing Dinar just as needed - every one of us has the feeling to know how much is our actual requirement (ask your deep heart - and you will know it), we are given inspiration from Allah to know it “and inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right for it” (QS 91:8).

What are the consequences if we store property in whatever form such as banknotes, houses, cars, shares even gold in huge amounts and not spend it in Allah way? The threat is a painful torture for those who is hoarding. (QS 9:34-35)

So store property as needed to fulfill our responsibility for ourselves, family and next generation is something that is allowed and guided, because it is part of the people economic strength – in the Quran surah Yusuf that has been mentioned it is called Yukhsinun (Tukhsinun to refer to a second person).

In the contrary, storing more than needed and not spending it in Allah way is an act of hoarding and prohibited – in the Al Quran mentioned as Yaknizun !.

We should know the different between Yukshinun and Yaknizun, because we are inspired by Allah to be able to distinguish it. Wallahu Alam.

source https://m-dinar.com/indo/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46%3Aeconomic-strength&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=50&lang=en

Reset epson tx111

Need resetter for Epson TX110 and EPson TX111 you can download the adjustment program or software resetter below. I not tested this software resetter because I don’t have the both Epson printer series.
Epson TX110 and epson TX111 is all in one or multifunction inkjet printer designed for home user that combined copy, print, and scan functions. Epson TX110 and epson TX111 using Durabrite Ultra Ink and max print resolution is 5760×1440 dpi on A4 paper but this printer not support for wireless connectivity.
If you require adjustment program or software resetter for Epson TX111 and Epson TX100 you can download the software from following link: download resetter epson TX110 and TX111
Here the screen shot of the software restter EPson TX111 and Epson TX110

source http://resetters.blogspot.com/2010/05/resetter-epson-tx110-and-epson-tx111.html

How to get M B Mandiri Service ( xl axiata )

If you are already a customer of Bank Mandiri and own XL SIM Card and Life In Hand/Data Service/XL Life
  1. Register to Mandiri SMS Banking at the ATM or Bank Mandiri branches. If you registered via ATM Mandiri, please come to the branch to activate the financial transactions (transfer, payment etc).
  2. If you are a Mandiri SMS Banking customer, simply type “SMS”, and no need to re-register with Mandiri SMS Banking.
  3. Download m-B_Mandiri (SMS Banking Mandiri) menu from the Life In Hand menu if you do not have the m-B_Mandiri menu in your phone.
M-B_Mandiri Registration.
Follow these steps to register your Mandiri M-Banking service :
a). Using ATM.
  1. To register :
    • Enter your Mandiri Card.
    • Choose language
    • Enter your Mandiri Card PIN
    • A Main Menu window will appear
    • Choose ‘e-Banking registration’.
    • Types of services will appear.
    • Choose ‘SMS Banking mandiri.
    • Terms and conditions will appear on the screen
    • Choose ‘agree’ (refer to Terms & Condition in Branch).
    • Enter the phone number you want to register for Mandiri SMS Banking and press ‘Correct’.
    • You will need to create 6 digits PIN Mandiri SMS Banking, Enter 6 digits press ‘Correct’.
    • You will need to re-enter the 6 digits number PIN Mandiri SMS Banking to confirm and press ‘Correct’.
    • A message saying “Your Mandiri SMS Banking registration is successful” press ‘Finish’ to end the registration process. (Check the ATM Screen).
  2. The account registered would be the account connected to the card you use when you register.
  3. ATM registration is a non-financial transaction. To make financial transaction, you should visit your branch to activate the financial services.
 b).). Register from the Branch the flow is:
  1. The registered account is the same account stated when you register.
  2. Registration process is:
    • Customer visit the Customer Service Counter at the Branch.
    • Fill in the service application form at the Branch.
    • Customer must read and understand the terms and condition of Mandiri SMS Banking service and fill the SMS Banking request form available.
  3. Send PIN Mandiri SMS Banking:
    • Your SMS Banking PIN will be processed automatically by the SMS Banking application to your phone via SMS in 1 x 24 hours.
    • After receiving your SMS Banking PIN via SMS, you must change the SMS Banking PIN before doing any SMS Banking transaction.
  4. You can do financial and non financial transaction when you register from the branch after you changed your SMS Banking PIN sent to you via SMS.
  1. All transaction must enter the SMS Banking PIN as authorization
  2. For transfer, your designated account transfer must be registered first through ATM or the Branch
  3. For PLN, Telkom, Fren postpaid, PDAM and credit reload, you must register your designated number and must register your credit reload number through ATM or the Branch
  4. Customer can only do a non financial transaction with ATM registration. To make financial transaction, you should visit the branch for service activation.
  5. Transaction Limit is :
    • Transfer: Rp 20.000.000,-/day
    • Payment: Rp 5.000.000,-/ day
    • Credit card payment: Rp 10.000.000,-/ day
    • Credit reload: Rp 1.000.000,-/ day
  6. source http://www.xl.co.id/en-gb/vaskonten/mcommerce/mbankingmandiri.aspx

Gold Calculator : The Easiest Way To Check Your Gold Karat ..!

Written by Muhaimin Iqbal (Thanks A Lot)
Saturday, 07 November 2009 18:44
Up to this modern age, consumers who buy gold jewelry or physical gold bar for investment are always in un-even situation with their sellers. In most cases, sellers know very well on the gold quality which is represented  in its karat – but there is no way for buyers to know at relative  degree of accuracy this very important aspect of gold quality  - the karat.
For now on – with our free tool called Gold Calculator , it will possible for every consumers to know  what exactly their gold karat is. What make it more interesting about this tool is the fact that it is freely available through your computer or mobile as long as you can access our web site www.m-dinar.com.
The only thing you need to buy ( if you don’t have it already) is standard digital gold scale with minimum two decimal digit accuracy. Believe me it is worth to buy – because you can find it in the net at cost starting from about equivalent to 1/3 gram of gold – imagine how much you can save for your gold investment by understanding its karat accurately !.
Other things you need to have around  before calculating your gold karat is any plastic ex mineral water or any transparent small water container, sewing string and of course water.
The followings are step by step procedure on how to use this Gold Calculator :
1.  Prepare your computer to access the Gold Calculator  through internet on our web site www.m-dinar.com/indo ; or in case you use your mobile to access internet you can go direct to the calculator file at www.m-dinar.com/goldcalculator.php.
2. Weight your gold now with normal weighting and record the result. For an example I used a 50 grams gold bar – which of course showing the 50 grams on the scale display.
3. Fill the plastic container with enough water to immerse gold inside it but not hitting the bottom of the container.  To do this you need to tie the gold with small sewing string.
4. With the water filled container on top of your gold scale, tare the scale so it shows zero (0.00) on the scale display.
5. Hold the string firmly so you can slowly immerse the gold bar into the water. Make sure the gold fully immersed but not hitting the bottom of the container; now read the scale display. For my above gold bar the display shown 2.56 grams.
6. Now go the web page that you already opened in step 1. Fill the Normal Weight  with your normal weighting result in step no 2 ( which is 50 grams I  the example). Fill In-Water Weight with in-water weighting result of step 5 (2.56 gram in the example).
7. Select the color of your gold. Yellowish gold normally has silver component inside it, while reddish gold has copper element. If you are not sure leave the radio button at its original default – Not Sure position.
8. Now hit the calculate button, and…there is the purity of your gold. My gold bar in the above example is proven to be right – 24 K Gold !.
Is it accurate ?; very-very accurate…!
As a computer program of a scientific formula based on proper data on specific gravity of gold, silver and copper – this calculator must be very accurate in calculation result.
However as general rule in computer programming  we know the GIGO principle (Garbage In Garbage Out), then the accuracy of the karat as result of this calculation is very much depend on how accurate your scale is.
The following is the example; I have a gold coin certified under LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) saying that the weight is 4.25 grams and the karat is 22.
When I use two decimal scale I got the result between 0.22 gram and 0.23 gram for In-Water Scale. When I used these figures to calculate my gold coin karat then I got the result 21.71 karat ( use 0.23) and 24 karat (use 0.22).
Under four decimal scale, in-water weighting giving the result of 0.2287 grams – so when I used this figure – the Gold Calculator was giving exact result at 22 karat for my gold coin !.
Trust with this very simple tool; million of people in the world will know better for their gold quality – imagine how much they can save their money from buying fake gold or low karat gold !.

source https://m-dinar.com/indo/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51%3Agold-calculator-the-easiest-way-to-check-your-gold-karat-&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=50&lang=en